阿根廷标准插头的制造标准是IRAM-2073。 IRAM是阿根廷的标准认证机构。阿根廷插头从外观讲类似于澳大利亚插头。但是,插头的插脚大小和澳大利亚的有所区别,插脚1毫米长,尺寸略有变化,最重要的是插头方向不同。接地方向相反。为此,当设备出口到澳大利亚和阿根廷时,一定要准确的配置电线。阿根廷插头是3脚接地插头,参数是10A/250VAC。电线的一侧是额电流定为10A IEC-60320连接器。所有线缆都应该相应的认证。
The standard plug for Argentina is defined by IRAM 2073. IRAM is the standards agency for Argentina. The Argentine plug, which is used in Class I applications in Argentina, is similar in appearance to the Australian plug. However, this plug differs greatly from the Australian plug—the pins are one millimeter longer, the body dimensions change slightly and most importantly, the wiring differs. The positions of the line and neutral contact pins are reversed. For this reason, great care must be taken when manufacturing equipment for export to both Australia and Argentina, as well as specifying the correct cord or cordset for use with equipment.。The Argentine plug is a 3-wire, grounded plug, rated at 10A/250VAC. The cordset is terminated with an IEC 60320 connector rated at 10A. All cordsets carry the appropriate approvals.